Saturday, 25 February 2012

values and reflections..

deep isn't it? the tittle..

something i've always ponder a person is today, is a reflection of their upbringing..but there are bad people out there, very bad people..and i believe their parents didn't raise them to be's just sometimes the circumstances and peer pressure that made one person made the all the wrong choices..

My point is, 75% of the time, we are who our family brought us up to be..Does this sentence even make sense haha..the way we look at life, the things we consider important, the values we try to instate to our children, the way we treat other people..

a few things that I've been brought up with and I think I should teach my children:
1. Always eat matter if your not hungry, too busy, your fighting with your mom/hubby..always, always, sit down and eat together(not every meal duhh) at least for dinner..
2. Always be ahead of time, when I was in PC there's a saying that the headmaster always said..when ur on time, ur late..
3. Always keep your promise, I know this is a hard one..sometimes u just can't avoid it but at least be apologetic and give a reason. At least the other person won't feel so frustrated.
4. Never go to bed one way or another we have to settle things then and there, heads on, no hard feeling and then can only matters be bygone..(hmm somehow, sadly.. this I can never achieve with Mr A..)...

enuff said..

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